We award fellowships to promising students in need to enroll in one of our workshops for free. We also offer partial fellowship awards to finalists. Applicants must not be enrolled in a degree program with access to creative writing instruction or have had a book of poems published or accepted for publication by a United States press. Additionally, applicants who hold a graduate degree in creative writing (MA/MFA/PhD) will be considered separately for a limited number of fellowship awards per season. Applicants are limited to one workshop fellowship lifetime. Applicants who have been awarded a Brooklyn Poets Poetry Festival Fellowship are eligible to apply, but only after 12 months have passed since their award.
To apply for a winter-spring 2025 workshop fellowship, submit 4–5 poems, published or unpublished, eight pages max. Make sure to include a cover letter (250–350 words) detailing your writing background, why you're interested in a particular workshop/teacher, and why you need financial aid—let us know whether you need full aid or if partial aid will suffice.
Applications are due Sunday, January 26, (11:59 PM ET). Fellowship decisions will be announced via newsletter and social media on February 10. We strongly encourage writers from historically underserved and marginalized communities to apply, including (but not limited to) writers of color, LGBTQ+ writers, writers with disabilities and women writers.